Follow the Grand Circuit of Angkor, laid out by the French in the 20th century, and take in the amazing sites around the ancient Angkor City on this full-day photo tour.
Start at Siem Reap at 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning, and make your way to Angkor Wat to relish in the beauty of a sunrise over Angkor. Take beautiful photographs from the western end of the main building of Angkor Wat, have a delicious breakfast opposite the entrance to the temple, then go to explore Prasat Kravan temple and the Reservoir of Sras Srang, also known as the Royal Baths.
Discover the peaceful temple of Banteay Kdei as you enjoy the energizing morning light, visit what used to be an island in the vast Eastern Baray reservoir at the Pre Rup and East Mebon brick temples, and enjoy a fantastic restaurant lunch.
After lunch, we visit the North Gate of Angkor Thom and spend the rest of the afternoon in the spectacular Preah Khan Temple with its tree-clad ruins and unique atmosphere.
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