Kirirom National Park and officially recognized as Preah Suramarit-Kossamak Kirirom National Park is a national park in Cambodia. The cooler temperatures and inviting odor of pine means that Kirirom offers the closest glimpse of the forests of Europe in Cambodia, while the piles of plastic garbage along the winding road help to ...
Kirirom National Park: Pine trees, fresh air, and dinosaurs
The most southerly point of the Cardamom Mountain range, Kirirom National Park rises from the flat rice fields and mango plantations, and the natural beauty found its pine trees, mountain lakes, wildflowers, and seemingly endless vistas make the journey to Cambodia’s first National Park worth the effort.
Kirirom National Park (Khmer: ឧទ្យានជាតិគិរីរម្យ - Outtyeancheat Kirirom) and officially recognized as Preah Suramarit-Kossamak Kirirom National Park (Khmer: ឧទ្យានជាតិព្រះសុរាម្រិត-កុសុមៈ គិរីរម្យ - Outtyeancheat Preah Suramarit-Kossamak Kirirom) is a national park in Cambodia. It is located mostly in Phnom Sruoch District, Kampong Speu Province, while a smaller section is in neighboring Koh Kong Province.
The most southerly point of the Cardamom Mountain range, Kirirom National Park rises from the flat rice fields and mango plantations, and the natural beauty found its pine trees, mountain lakes, wildflowers, and seemingly endless vistas make the journey to Cambodia’s first National Park worth the effort.
Halfway between Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville along National Road 4, Kirirom National Park is 700 meters above sea level. The cooler temperatures and inviting odor of pine means that Kirirom offers the closest glimpse of the forests of Europe in Cambodia, while the piles of plastic garbage along the winding road help to remind you just where you actually are.
But this certainly shouldn’t stop a visit, with the waterfalls and forest walks on offer a suitable payoff. Just like the coastal town of Kep, Kirirom was a playground for the Cambodian elite prior to the Khmer Rouge era, and the shells of their villas (including that of the late King-father Sihanouk) dot the landscape. And now with the construction of the sprawling V.Kirirom resort, the country’s new elites have returned with villas again nestled among the trees—but with paddle boarding and zorbing now on offer.
Getting to Kirirom by public transport isn’t easy for those without access to private transport, but it isn’t impossible. Buses to and from Sihanoukville and Koh Kong pass through the town of Treng Trayeng, and hopping off will ensure that local taxi drivers will quickly find you and offer access to the nearby park. A more expensive, but less stressful option is to hire a taxi in Phnom Penh to make the journey. The highway is narrow and lacks a hard shoulder, so attempting to ride a motorbike to the park should only be done by confident riders in daylight hours.
The meaning of "Kirirom" is "Happy Mountain". This name was given to the area by King Monivong in the 1930s. The ancient name of the place was Phnom Vorvong Sorvong for the main two hills there were connected with the Cambodian popular legend about two heroic princely brothers, Vorvong and Sorvong.
The park extends over the eastern part of the Cardamom Mountains. It is located 112 km from Phnom Penh of National Highway 4 on the road to Sihanoukville.
Lying at 675m (2,215 ft) above sea level, Kirirom was Cambodia's first officially designated national park.
It contains many footpaths through the forests with a number of small lakes and waterfalls and was once used as a refuge by the Khmer Rouge.
Guest Name: Ms. Lyn
Country: Philippines
City: Manila
N.of Person: 1 pax
Travel date: 23-09-2024
Booked: Ream National Park Kayaking & Boat Trip Day Tour
Tour Style: Beach Break Holiday
Duration: Full Day